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Comparing Kubernetes and Dapr: Overlaps and Differences

With Bilgin Ibryam

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

7:00 AM PDT / 10:00 AM EDT / 3:00 PM CET

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What will you learn?

If Kubernetes has service discovery, why would you use Dapr service invocation? If Kubernetes can manage stateful applications, what makes Dapr's state store API necessary? What is the difference between Kubernetes CronJob and Dapr cron? How do the distributed lock implementations in Kubernetes and Dapr compare?

Such questions frequently puzzle developers familiar with Kubernetes when they are introduced to Dapr's features.

Curious to learn more? Join us for a webinar on July 11 at 10 AM EDT / 3 PM CET. Diagrid product manager Bilgin Ibryam (@bibryam) will tackle these questions live and reveal how Dapr uniquely boosts operational efficiency and developer productivity on Kubernetes.

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